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What are the methods to increase the service life of the Punching and shearing machine

What are the methods to increase the service life of the Punching and shearing machine


Combined punching and shearing machine is a kind of machine tool equipment which integrates metal cutting, punching, plate cutting, bending and other functions. It has the characteristics of simple operation and low maintenance cost, and is widely used in modern manufacturing industry. Now we will increase the life of the combined punching and shearing machine to understand in detail.
1. It must be operated according to the usage of the machine. This is a good step to increase the life of the combined punching and shearing machine, and this is the key first step.
2. Regularly “refuel” the combined punching and shearing machine, that is, how long do some places need to be refueled every time to prevent the machine from rusting, because it is easy to make the machine less flexible.
3. Check whether the electrical appliances are safe and reliable, so that people can operate safely, which is also a key factor that will affect the service life of the combined punching and shearing machine.
4. Check the switch of the machine frequently to see if there is any damage.
After finishing these, the key and important step is to clean up the combined punching and shearing machine every day after work, and clean up some useless or impurities. Only when every step is up to standard, can the life of the combined punching and shearing machine be increased.

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