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Development environment of CNC Plate rolling machine industry

Development environment of CNC Plate rolling machine industry


From the perspective of social environment, China’s market economy has not been implemented for a long time, and the CNC plate rolling machine manufacturers are still in the stage of original capital accumulation. These manufacturers often do not have the ability to manufacture complete machines, and can only produce by assembly. There is no quality control in the whole process of production, let alone research, development and innovation. There are many such manufacturers in eastern China, In addition, at present, China’s laws matching the market economy are not mature, and local government protection driven by interests, so these enterprises with no production capacity will continue to survive. From the current situation, the state’s attitude towards this is to eliminate them naturally through market competition.

Artificial intelligence is no longer new, and the future is also the era of intelligence. With the development of intelligence, the grass-roots operators of plate bending machine in Wuxi Shenchong are facing a severe test. They use machines to do simple work instead of people. In some industrial production, there are specialized robots. Through the ingenious design of robots, they can make greater efficiency in a short time, And for robot maintenance, management related technology, is also more attention, because whether in simple or complex applications, these are related to the comprehensive cost and availability of industrial robots, only the cost of the robot is reduced, in order to highlight the efficiency of the robot. For the electric discharge plate bending machine is a greater challenge, especially in the wire cutting machine, the development of plate bending machine function compound, its core is to complete a plate rolling machine turning, milling, drilling, tapping, reaming and reaming and other operating procedures, so as to improve the efficiency and processing accuracy of the plate rolling machine, improve the flexibility of production.

Although the bending machine tool market is generally weak, the middle and high-end CNC plate rolling machine and corresponding supporting products have not declined significantly, and the demand for non-standard and personalized products has shown an increasing trend. According to the monthly export data of rolling machine tool products, the growth rate has gradually dropped from the double-digit growth at the beginning of last year to single digit, and the growth rate was negative in August and October last year. The trend is obviously in the downward channel. In the main processing processes of key parts for key users such as national defense and military industry, domestic high-end rolling machine tool products account for a small share, and quite a few of them have various problems.

On the basis of high-end leading, it extends downward and focuses on expanding the middle end market. These trends further aggravate the dilemma of the domestic bending machine industry. It is believed that enterprises need to focus on several relationships, First, the relationship between short-term interests and long-term interests; second, the relationship between scale expansion and product level; third, the relationship between hardware investment and software construction; fourth, the relationship between product R & D and industrialization.

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